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A Stronger You



I am often asked the difference between a free generic training program from the internet and a personalised program that I charge for.

So let me explain what I do that makes my muscle gain clients so happy.  The infographic below shows you how I work, and what benefit you will get from my approach. 



An online program is based on assumptions.

It has to assume that everyone has the same:

  • Training knowledge

  • Flexibility & mobility

  • Training ability

  • Genetics

  • Medical conditions


My training is the opposite.  Far from making assumptions we sit down and discuss all of the above plus your motivations and past successes/failures in trying to achieve your goal.


We then move to the gym where you will be asked to perform relevant movements for your goal (things like squatting, bending, rotating etc) plus some flexibility drills to see how you move and where imbalances will cause issue when loading your body.

Assessments also include circumference  readings, scale weight and possibly body fat measurements.


Once done, I will then design a program based on all the individual information I now have.  This usually take a few days but will be tailored specifically to you and will include mobility drills plus corrective work required to get your stronger quicker.


If required, we also discuss nutrition to ensure your food intake is supporting your goals.  For some people this will simply be a chat, others may need to fill in a food log for a more in-depth look at what they consume.


The fundamental difference in getting you to achieve your desired results is The Accountability Factor.  

Never under-estimate how beneficial it is to have someone there week in week out making sure you stay on track. Someone ensuring you attend each and every session (even on those times you just aren't in the mood), pushing you to complete every rep, even the last few of each set that you would bail out on if training yourself.

Even I train better when I am with someone who holds me accountable and trust me, if you add up all the sessions or reps you would have just not done over a period of a year, that can add up to hundreds of thousands of kilos difference...or in short, the difference between seeing a physical difference and looking exactly the same as you did at the start.



Before we truly start helping you change your body shape, we need to get a base line.


I will take body readings which will include some or all of the following:

  • Weight

  • Tape Measure Circumferences

  • Body Fat (Callipers)

  • Photographs (taken on your phone)


Once done, we will re-assess every 4-6 weeks to ensure we are seeing results.  If nothing is changing after 6 weeks, nothing is likely to*


I typically re-measure your progress just before a program change so your body's reaction to the training we have been working through will dictate how we approach the next phase of training.

If you have gotten great results from a specific training protocol, your next phase will be pretty similar.  If you training and nutrition have been good but your body simply isn't adapting to that stimuli, we try something quite different to see if we get a reaction form that.


Every body shape is different and will react differently to different stimuluses. Sometimes even different body parts on the same person react differently to different rep or set ranges. 

This is why we track progress - to individualise your training over time.


*Assuming you have at least a year of training under your belt

Day’s deep understanding of the science of training and nutrition keeps me focused. Since training with Day I’ve received compliments not only from other gym users but also Personal Trainers on the visible progress I’ve made

Trevor Lambert

Barbell and Kettlebell Weights


For a free, no obligation, no hard sell consultation, click below.


You have nothing to lose!

07887 647369

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